Geschichte und Stärken
it was imported as second hand from USA to JAPAN in 2006 1st delivery was in EU, then went to USA
1984 lamborghini countach 5000S it was imported as second hand from USA to JAPAN in 2006 1st delivery was in EU, then went to USA specification is EU exhaust systen is not original no tool kit, no spare tyre, no instruction book it was rebuilt engine and around suspention from 2017 to 2018. have files of rebuilt at the period paint needs all renewal defnitely too many cracking and bubles no accident Mechanic who rebuilt checked it. Owner concentrate Mechanic , but do not care about paint so engine, around suspention, air condition, electric is very good condition
Mehr über
La Lamborghini Countach 5000 S de 1984 est une voiture de sport emblématique connue pour son design futuriste et sa performance impressionnante. Avec son moteur V12 de 5 litres, elle peut atteindre une vitesse maximale de plus de 290 km/h. Sa carrosserie anguleuse et basse lui donne un look agressif et unique sur la route. C'est un véritable symbole de l'élégance et de la puissance italienne.

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